Thursday, January 29, 2009

In Which a Winter Storm Hits...

...and leaves us encased in an opal. Blue, pink, orange and yellow flicker behind a screen of creamy white.
The ice-covered trees clack in the breeze like castanets.

A thistle clings to its spot.

The old lilac bush spreads like sea coral.

The barn looks like an abstract painting.

Sunset comes on the tail end of the front and glints on the icicles hanging from the eaves.


Alice said...

WOW - I want to be there!!! I love looking at your photos and seeing the seasons change. It has inspired me to maybe do a photo blog once a week or something! I'm going to look up the books you mention :-)

Meg said...

haha...well, you might want to be here for an hour or two, and then leave for the Caribbean. I'd go with you! : )
Honestly, have you ever seen the movie version of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe? I keep thinking that Tilda Swinson is going to ride up in her carriage and lure me away--it is that white out.

I've seen people do "wordless wednesdays" blogs featuring photos only--I love them.

Alice said...

I love that film. We went to the cinema to see it! (before Isabella was born - lol). Sounds dramatic, amazing and COLD!!! what I would do for a beach and some waves lapping up right now!!! I love all seasons, but as each season nears it's close, I find myself longing for the next. I am sat here in thermals and about 3 layers and wanting springtime to start!

I need to do some wordless days. I'm being utterly rubbish at updating because I just don't have the inclination at the moment????? I think a wordless day might be good ... we had the most fabulous walk yesterday afternoon - I must download the pics!